Problems of 2010 Daejeon Warm-up Contest uploaded to AOJ!

  • hyunhwan

    Online Judge

    Now you can judge your solution for the contest in AOJ(Algospot Online Judge)!

    Practice Session

    Main Contest

    Enjoy It!

    Contest Result

    1st+1 ironwood branchNational Taiwan University
    2ndcivilize(RR);KAISTAttending Daejeon Regional
    3rdTaliNational Taiwan University
    4thUSAGI CodeUniversity of Tokyo
    5thLisa et GaspardNational Taiwan University
    6thNTU PigeonsNanyang Technological University
    7thnekonekosoftNational Taiwan UniversityAttending Daejeon Regional
    8thTeam_JiangsuNational University of Singapore
    9thwataUniversity of TokyoSingle
    10th319ea952988933f93af9dcf1d6e4c22aNational Taiwan University

    A Brief Sketch to the Solution

    We apologize again that the contest was not able to start on time.

    Thank you for enjoying the contest!

    14년 전
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  • 정회원 권한이 있어야 커멘트를 다실 수 있습니다. 정회원이 되시려면 온라인 저지에서 5문제 이상을 푸시고, 가입 후 7일 이상이 지나셔야 합니다. 현재 문제를 푸셨습니다.