메일 내용입니다 :)
학기말이라 잠시 정신없다가, 확인해보니 지금이 기간이네요-
흥미로운 건, 오늘 밤에 있는 크로아티아 대회인 듯 합니다.
밤 11시는 좀 에러지만.. 재밌을 거 같긴 하네요 :D
USACO NEWS -- 3 December 2007
December 2007 USACO Contest
SATURDAY 8 Dec -- Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
USACO Holiday Contest
Unified Contest Schedule
-- December, 2007 USACO Contest
The December 2007 USACO Elite Competition starts shortly:
The Elite competition is THREE HOURS in length in total. The
competition is available Friday, Dec 7 through the end of Monday,
Dec 10 in most timezones. Read the rules at the contest site if
you've never read them. Results will probably be available
(potentially late) on Thursday at:
No special announcement about the results will be sent.
First-timers should consider doing the 'test' program from the USACO
training pages at http://train.usaco.org (to reinforce I/O skills)
before trying the real contest (really -- this is not an idle
NOTE: The contest director for the December contest (Rob) will
probably be online only on Saturday and Sunday.
-- SATURDAY 8 Dec -- Croatian Open Competition in Informatics
Early Saturday morning in USA (6:00 am in California, 9:00 in New
York), 1400 GMT/UTC. One of "six online contests as a warm-up for
the 2008 season of high school programming competitions. Everyone
is welcome to participate!"
NOTE: This contest must be taken during a specific three-hour
interval (more like topcoder than like USACO).
"Each contest will be three hours long and will feature six tasks.
The tasks will be of widely varying difficulty; we are hoping to
have many beginner or up-and-coming contestants participate, as
well as those more experienced."
-- USACO Holiday Contest
Reserve a few hours in the the weekend of December (Dec 29-30) for,
we hope, a special challenge for the most elite programmers. More
as developments occur.
-- Unified Contest Schedule
4 Dec, 2007 -- Topcoder TCHS SRM 47
7-11 Dec, 2007 -- USACO December Contest
13 Dec, 2007 -- Topcoder TCHS SRM 48
19 Dec, 2007 -- Topcoder TCHS SRM 49
11-14 Jan, 2008 -- USACO January Contest
8-11 Feb, 2008 -- USACO February Contest
14-17 Mar, 2008 -- USACO March Contest
24 Apr, 2008 -- US Open for USA and proctored international students
25-28 Apr, 2008 -- US Open for all unproctored students
Early Jun, 2008 -- USA Invitational Competition (~8 days, by invitation)
Aug, 2008 -- IOI, Mubarrak City, Egypt (by invitation)
[2008 topcoder schedule unavailable at press time]
메일 내용입니다 :)
학기말이라 잠시 정신없다가, 확인해보니 지금이 기간이네요-
흥미로운 건, 오늘 밤에 있는 크로아티아 대회인 듯 합니다.
밤 11시는 좀 에러지만.. 재밌을 거 같긴 하네요 :D
USACO NEWS -- 3 December 2007
17년 전