Invitation to Programming Contest

  • Toivoa

    메일온건데 그대로 올립니다. 관심있으신 분들 참가해보세요.

    [spoiler="더 보기..."]
    The International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India cordially invites you to be a part of Felicity, the annual cultural and technical festival, to be held from 20th - 22nd February,2009.
    1) Codecraft 2009
    CodeCraft 2009, the online programming competition is all set to start on 15th February,2009. Codecraft requires eight hours of brainstorming over some of the toughest algorithms challenges from various fields of Computer Science.
    Where :
    When : 15th February , 2009 , 2 pm - 10 pm IST(GMT +5:30).
    2) MathematiKa 2009
    MathematiKa 2009 is an online mathematical programming contest which emphasizes on fusion of mathematics and computing. Contestants may use ANY language of their choice.
    Where :
    When : 13th February, 2009 , 2pm - 10pm IST(GMT +5:30).
    3) Time Limit Exceeded
    This is an unusual programming event which emphasizes on solving problems under special constraints. The event is based on C/C++ with the scoring depending on factors like code length, deviation from the best available solution, or even the number of semi-colons and whitespaces used.
    Where :
    When : 10th February 2009 2pm to 13th February 2pm (72 hours [3 days]) IST (UTC +5:30).
    You need to REGISTER online to participate in these event. There are prizes in each of the mentioned events, details of which will be put on the site in due time. Kindly visit the respective sites for more details.

    For queries , mailto : , ,

    Thanks and Regards
    Team Felicity 2009
    If you feel you are not the intended recepient of this message, we apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    [이 글은 과거 홈페이지에서 이전된 글입니다. 원문보기]

    16년 전
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  • 정회원 권한이 있어야 커멘트를 다실 수 있습니다. 정회원이 되시려면 온라인 저지에서 5문제 이상을 푸시고, 가입 후 7일 이상이 지나셔야 합니다. 현재 문제를 푸셨습니다.