BITwise 2010

  • Arkind

    Dear Friend,

    We would like to introduce you to Bitwise, an annual algorithm intensive online programming contest, organized
    by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, one of the
    premier institutes of technology in India. Bitwise is the pioneer in this field, and has over the years established
    its popularity, both at the national and international levels.
    The contest will be held on the 14th February, 2010, for a period of 12hours. Algorithm intensive programming
    problems will be put up on our website and the participants would be expected to code their solutions in C/C++,
    and submit them online. The solutions will be evaluated at real time and the results will be communicated to
    the participants. The whole contest will be coordinated through our website.The contest presents a great way to
    showcase your individual talent at an international scale and benchmark against the best in the world. At the same
    time, solving the challenging problems is a lot of fun! And the cash incentives are definitely attractive!
    There are prizes worth more than 200,000 INR.
    Registration for the event is now on. You can register for the event at our website.
    You can also participate in Enigma, our unique online quiz, an integral part of Bitwise since 2007, which presents
    an impeccable set of twisted questions designed to tantalize your brain. Enigma 2010, is now on and presents Enigma
    in its new avatar at, .
    We look forward to your participation in Bitwise 2010. Good luck!

    갑자기 이런 메일 한통을 받았네요.. 발렌타이데이날 12시간동안 하는 프로그래밍 콘테스트라는데.. -_-일요일이라 해볼수 있을지 모르겠네요 ;ㅁ;

    [이 글은 과거 홈페이지에서 이전된 글입니다. 원문보기]

    15년 전
2개의 댓글이 있습니다.
  • JongMan

    발렌타인데이 완전 안습 -_-;;; ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 게다가 서울은 설 아닌가요 그날? ㅎㅎㅎ

    15년 전 link
  • Taeyoon_Lee

    "Indian" 이후로 안 읽음.

    15년 전 link
  • 정회원 권한이 있어야 커멘트를 다실 수 있습니다. 정회원이 되시려면 온라인 저지에서 5문제 이상을 푸시고, 가입 후 7일 이상이 지나셔야 합니다. 현재 문제를 푸셨습니다.